> http://almeria.fape.es/antonio-cano-asume-la-direccion-de-el-pais-y-la-almeriense-eva-saiz-la-subdireccion-de-la-edicion-impresa/





“The Kremlin is using the Catalan crisis as a way to deepen divisions within Europe and consolidate its international influence. It appears in the form of websites that publish hoax stories, the activity of activists such as WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and a legion of bots – millions of automated social media accounts that can turn lies into trending topics”.

“A detailed analysis of 5,000 of Assange’s followers on Twitter provided by TwitterAudit, reveals that 59% are false profiles”. The fact that the tweet went viral so quickly is evidence of the intervention of bots, or false social media profiles, programmed simply to automatically echo certain messages”

“This assertion is entirely inaccurate because the data is from an inactive account with no tweets. Julian Assange only started tweeting on February 14th, 2017 [4], but the Twitter Audit data is from February 12th, 2014 [3], three years before anything was tweeted from the account”.
Archived Twitter Audit results for @julianassange (archived September 23rd 2017, data from February 12th 2014),

These 2,262 early followers from before Julian Assange started tweeting are not representative of his current 753,000 followers. When an account has no tweets for human users to read yet, there is little reason for real people to follow it, but bots may still automatically follow the inactive account. After reassessing @JulianAssange’s followers on November 24th, 2017, Twitter Audit now shows that 92% of his followers are real. (McGrath)

La trama rusa empleó redes chavistas para agravar la crisis catalana
“Dos medios del Kremlin, RT y Sputnik, se valieron de un elevadísimo número de cuentas en redes sociales en el entorno del chavismo y Venezuela para propagar una imagen negativa de España en las jornadas anteriores y posteriores al referéndum del 1 de octubre, según un pormenorizado análisis de más de cinco millones de mensajes de la universidad George Washington, en EE UU”.

Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Fake News Committee (December 19th 2017 evidence session), Paul Farrelly [Q57]: “It is really about the evidence we have received and the way it is constructed. My second observation about papers like Señor Lesaca’s is that, unlike a scientific paper, there is no control, no comparator. Sputnikand the Russians were identified; they were the fourth largest of the 5 million that were sending their messages all around. But they were behind El Diario, the BBC and El País. So I would have liked to have seen, particularly, a comparator paper about what analysis of the BBC content and the way the BBC content was shared around the world—

En toda la noticia no hay un solo enlace al estudio:


CURSO DE POLÍTICADemocracia española 2015: propuestas de reforma y proyecto de ruptura


“Judging by this traffic, a significant part of the early amplification of this post came from automated bots”.


McGrath: Researchers have found that like-to-tweet ratios under 0.1 are indicative of an account being a bot, while higher like-to-tweet ratios closer to 1 are more often seen with human users [12]. Bots aiming to amplify or spread tweets have little incentive to interact with tweets in ways that do not lead them to be retransmitted to other users through retweets. Based on these statistics, there is clear evidence that Assange’s tweets are viewed and interacted with by many people, but these interactions follow patterns that are normal for humans and consistent across Assange’s tweets.”
Gilani, Zafar & Almeida, Mario & Farahbakhsh, Reza & Wang, Liang & Crowcroft, Jon. “Stweeler: A Framework for Twitter Bot Analysis” (ACM WWW, July 2016)

“El análisis del Digital Forensic Lab (DFL), una plataforma de expertos digitales, concluyó que…”


C. Rice: Why We Know Iraq Is Lying https://www.nytimes.com/2003/01/23/opinion/why-we-know-iraq-is-lying.html
R. Murdoch: Iraq and the Rupert Murdoch connection: The media mogul’s network of pro-war campaigners https://www.independent.co.uk/news/media/press/chilcot-inquiry-report-iraq-war-rupert-murdoch-connection-a7125786.html /// Leading us to war: https://www.abc.net.au/mediawatch/episodes/leading-us-to-war/9972926
C. Powell: Lie After Lie: What Colin Powell Knew About Iraq 15 Years Ago and What He Told the U.N. https://theintercept.com/2018/02/06/lie-after-lie-what-colin-powell-knew-about-iraq-fifteen-years-ago-and-what-he-told-the-un/
J.M.Aznar: Aznar y las armas de destruccion masiva en Irak: https://youtu.be/-pUbgXmy0TY

FACT21: Informe Chilcot: “We have also concluded that the judgements about the severity of the threat posed by Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction – WMD – were presented with a certainty that was not justified”. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-report-of-the-iraq-inquiry

FACT22: Alandete: La prueba definitiva de que el interés de quienes movilizan al ejército de bots prorrusos se ha centrado en el pulso independentista en España es que entre sus menciones habituales en redes (Siria, Rusia, Ucrania, Trump, Hillary Clinton, ISIS) ha entrado desde hace unos días Cataluña. Así lo refleja la herramienta Hamilton 68 de la Alianza para Asegurar la Democracia. https://elpais.com/politica/2017/09/22/actualidad/1506101626_670033.html

FACT23: Alandete: “Esa herramienta analiza de forma permanente 600 cuentas, automatizadas o no, en la órbita del Kremlin”. https://elpais.com/politica/2017/09/22/actualidad/1506101626_670033.html /// “Our analysis is based on linked 600 Twitter accounts to Russian influence activities online”: https://securingdemocracy.gmfus.org/hamilton-68-a-new-tool-to-track-russian-disinformation-on-twitter/

FACT24 & 25: McGrath: “Like many other journalists, Alandete seems to have come to questionable conclusions based on haphazard analysis of the Hamilton 68 data. El País claim that they looked at the trends on the Hamilton 68 dashboard on or around September 22nd, and saw AntiWar.com and Catalonia trending [2]. However, Hamilton 68 only monitors tweets from the previous 48 hours [29] and the AntiWar.com article comparing Barcelona to Tiananmen was published 96 to 120 hours before El País looked at the data [23]. Assange’s tweets linking to this article were also published 72 to 96 hours before September 22nd [24].” /// “I found archived copies of the data from September 19th, within 48 hours of both the publication of the article and Assange’s tweets linking to it. On September 19th, neither AntiWar.com nor Catalonia were trending on Hamilton 68 [30]. Of course, the links to this story could have been spread more slowly by bots and trolls, but the more gradual dissemination seen here appears more uncoordinated and organic. In particular, it is quite different than the previous claim that Russian bots and trolls jump to amplify Assange’s tweets and narratives of interest to the Kremlin unusually quickly. It also does not appear that El País investigated why AntiWar.com was trending on Hamilton 68, and Alandete does not consider that there may be other stories or combinations of stories that caused AntiWar.com to trend on the day they checked Hamilton 68. http://data.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/committeeevidence.svc/evidencedocument/digital-culture-media-and-sport-committee/fake-news/written/80989.html

FACT26: August 2, 2017: Hamilton 68: A New Tool to Track Russian Disinformation on Twitter. https://securingdemocracy.gmfus.org/hamilton-68-a-new-tool-to-track-russian-disinformation-on-twitter/

FACT27 & 28: The New Blacklist: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/the-new-blacklist-202612/ /// “We choose not to identify the accounts” https://securingdemocracy.gmfus.org/the-methodology-of-the-hamilton-68-dashboard/
https://theintercept.com/2018/04/20/how-fake-news-and-western-propaganda-about-russian-interference-in-catalonia-coerced-ecuador-to-silence-julian-assange/ https://www.cjr.org/the_media_today/russian-trolls.php

FACT29: TSA Body Scanner Lobbyist Now Overseeing Spending on TSA Security

FACT30: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Morell // https://securingdemocracy.gmfus.org/the-alliance-for-securing-democracy-releases-strategy-for-democracies-to-offset-autocratic-advances/

FACT31: https://securingdemocracy.gmfus.org/about-us/advisory-council/
FACT32: Bernie Sanders Asked Bill Kristol to Apologize for Pushing the Iraq War. Guess What Happened Next. https://theintercept.com/2019/05/28/bernie-sanders-asked-bill-kristol-to-apologize-for-pushing-the-iraq-war-guess-what-happened-next/

FACT32: Palacio dice que se han hallado “indicios” de la existencia de armas de destrucción masiva https://www.lavanguardia.com/politica/20030814/51262779853/palacio-dice-que-se-han-hallado-indicios-de-la-existencia-de-armas-de-destruccion-masiva.html

FACT34: Ocho ‘Ibex 35’ pagaron una campaña contra el ‘procés’ a petición del Gobierno de Rajoy. https://www.elconfidencial.com/empresas/2019-07-22/ocho-ibex-campana-proces-gobierno-rajoy_2130963/

FACT35: https://euvsdisinfo.eu/es/quienes-somos/

FACT36: https://euvsdisinfo.eu/russian-tvs-view-on-catalonia-referendum-europe-falling-apart-and-spain-compared-to-ukraine/

FACT37: https://russia.tv/video/show/brand_id/60851/episode_id/1550866/video_id/1683014/

FACT38: Aleix Espargaró: “Vamos a una Guerra Civil”: https://elpais.com/politica/2017/09/22/actualidad/1506093243_142437.html

FACT39: “Spanish democracy has failed,” the presenter of the talk show Voskresnoye Vremya. https://euvsdisinfo.eu/russian-tvs-view-on-catalonia-referendum-europe-falling-apart-and-spain-compared-to-ukraine/

FACT 40: The Guardian view on Catalonia’s referendum: the Spanish state has lost

FACT41: The pro-Kremlin pulp mill https://euvsdisinfo.eu/the-pro-kremlin-pulp-mill/?highlight=Balear

FACT42: El independentismo: una bomba de relojería contagiosa en un Estado que no escucha

FACT43: El partido que gobierna con el PSOE en Baleares plantea un referéndum para 2030

FACT44: Information Manipulation in Elections and Referenda: Pro-Kremlin Disinformation in Figures: https://euvsdisinfo.eu/information-manipexamples-of-pro-kremlin-disinformation-in-figures/?highlight=Milosevich

FACT45: https://euvsdisinfo.eu/es/quienes-somos/

FACT46: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/cmsdata/129602/budg2018-doc6-txt-2-en.pdf

FACT47: https://digitalsevilla.com/2019/02/18/susanna-griso-subdirector-el-pais-david-alandete-nos-advierten-fake-news/

FACT48: El centro estadounidense Atlantic Council lanza un portal contra la desinformación rusa

